$397.00 USD

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The Offer Accelerator 2 week Mini Mind

Picture this: Me and you building out your irresistible offer in just 2 weeks!

A 2 week Minimind to create your irresistible offer

💛 2 live group coaching calls

💛 2 weeks of M-F Voxer to workshop your offer

💛A workbook and templates to support you in your offer creation

This is for the yoga teacher who is channeling the "I'm no longer holding back, I wanna see what I can do" kind of energy and wants to be supported in selling out an irresistible online offer or yoga course in 2024.

Inside this 2 week mini mind, you will get clear on how to talk about your offer so the words roll off your tongue like butter so it sells like hotcakes.

We’re gonna deep dive, we’re gonna jam it out in Voxer and you’re gonna have so much clarity and know exactly how to sell this offer so you can scale your yoga business in 2024. 

You're gonna walk away with a hot offer that people want to buy, you know how to sell and you can walk into 2024 with an offer that is going to sell out. 

Here is what the 2 weeks together will look like 

Day 1: The Mindset of effortlessly selling a HOT offer

Day 2: Understanding your offer and craft or refine your offer name 

Day 3: Crafting potent messaging that speaks to the soul of your dream student

Day 4: Identifying who your offer is REALLLLLLLY for 

Day 5: Getting clear on how your program helps them

Day 6: Creating and articulating your unique method

Day 7: Your offer logistics 

Day 8: Pricing your offer

Day 9: How to talk about it in your content and stories

Day 10: Best sales strategies for different offer types

What's included: 

✨ 2 Live Calls: 

  • Kick-off call 
  • Q&A call 

✨ Access in between via Voxer

Here's where we'll jam on all things offer-related. I'll drop in with guidance, you'll be able to ask me questions and generate feedback and by the end of our 2 weeks together you're gonna have an incredible hot offer that you're gonna be able to sell and create consistent income from all throughout 2024. 

We kick off on the 29th November - 13th December